Linked List
1a. Introduction to Data Structures
1b. Introduction to Linked list
1c. Why we need Linked list | Array vs Linked list
1d. Printing and Finding Length of Linked List
Lecture 1 Annotated notes
2a. Insertions in linked list
2b.Deletion in Linked list
OPTIONAL : Linked list C code
2c. Recursion in Linked list: Printing the linked list
2d. Recursion in Linkedlist- Sum and length of linked list
Lecture 2 Annotated Notes
3a. Recursion in Linkedlist- insert at the end
3b. Recursion in Linkedlist- Question 2 based on recursion
3c. Recursion in Linkedlist- Question 3 based on recursion
3d. Recursion in Linkedlist- Question based on recursion
3e. Recursion in Linkedlist- Swap pairwise Leetcode question
Lecture 3 Annotated Notes
Lecture 4a. GATE 2022 Reverse a Linked List
Lecture 4b. Reverse a Linked List using Recursion | Four Variations on recursion
4c. Circular Linked List
4d. Doubly Linked List
Lecture 4 Annotated Notes
Practice Set Linked List
Practice Set Linked List
LIVE: Linked List Practice Set Discussion
LIVE Session Annotated Notes
Weekly Quiz 20 - Linked List
Optional: Logarithmic Basics
Fundamental Section Lecture: Logarithms Definition and All Properties
Fundamental Section Lecture: Logarithm Exercise Questions
Fundamental Section Lecture: Logarithm Questions, Graph, and Log in Computer science
Annotated Notes Lograrithms
Asymptotic Analysis
5a. Introduction to Asymptotic Analysis
5b. Big oh and Big omega Asymptotic Notations
5c. Theta Asymptotic notation
5d. What is Asymptotic comparison | how LOG works | rice grain story
5e. Comparing Different Functions Asymptotically
5f. Little Oh Little Omega | Properties of asymptotic notation | Stirling approximation
6a.Formal set notation of Asymptote symbols
6b. Asymptotic Notations GATE PYQs 1994, 96, 2000,1,3,4,8,11,17
6c. Analysing the loops time complexity
6d. Time Complexity of loops -2
Annotated Notes: Lecture 5, 6 - Asymptotic Analysis
Practice Set Loop Complexities
LIVE: Loop Time Complexity Practice Set Discussion
LIVE Session Loop Time Complexity Annotated Notes
7a. Brief about Best Case, Worst Case
7b. More about Best Case, Worst Case
7c. Questions on Algorithmic notations
Annotated Notes Lecture 7
Practice Set Asymptotic Notations
LIVE: Asymptotic Notations Practice Set Discussion -1
LIVE: Asymptotic Notations Practice Set Discussion-2
LIVE Session Asymptotic Notations Annotated Notes
Stack and Queue
8a. Introduction to Stack and Stack Permutations
8b. Implementation of Stack using Array and Linked list
9a. Introduction to Queue
9b. Implementation of Queue using Array
9c. Queue another Implementation using Array with F=R=0 | GATE 2012
9d. Implementing Queue using Linked List
9e. Queue using two stacks
10a. Stack using two queues
10b. Balancing parentheses and Two Stacks in one array
10c. Infix, Prefix & Postfix and Conversion to each other
10d. Infix to Postfix using Stack and Postfix evaluation using Stack
Stack and Queue Anottated Notes
Practice Set Stack and Queue
LIVE: Stack and Queue Practice Set Discussion
LIVE Stack and Queue Practice Set Discussion 2
LIVE Session Stack and Queue Annotated Notes
Binary Trees
11a. Introduction to Binary trees
11b. Some questions and representation of tree
11c. Questions on Binary trees
11d. Questions on Binary trees 2
12a. Binary Tree Traversals
12b. Binary tree construction using preorder postorder and inorder
12c. Binary tree construction using preorder postorder and inorder 2
13a. Introduction to Binary Search Tree
13b. Range Search in Binary Search Tree | GATE 2014 | GATE 2020
PDF: Range Search Binary Search Tree Animations (Stanford Slides)
13c. BST Deletion
14a. GATE 1996 Possible probe sequences
14b. BST PYQs 1997, 2001, 06, 07, 16
14c. BST Time Complexities
Annotated Notes Binary Tree and BST
Practice Set Binary Trees and Binary Search Tree
LIVE Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Practice Set Discussion - 1
LIVE Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Practice Set Discussion - 2
LIVE Session Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Annotated Notes
AVL Tree
Practice Set AVL Trees
AVL Tree Annotated Notes
Practice Set AVL Trees
LIVE AVL tree Practice Set Discussion
Annotated Notes LIVE Session AVL Tree
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16 a. Introduction to Heaps
16 b. Kth Minimum in min heap | GATE 2020
16 c. Insertion in Heap and Top Down build heap
17 a. Heapify Method
17 b. Build Heap Procedure
17 c. Build Heap (Bottom-up) time complexity
17 d. Delete Min in min Heap
Elements movement in Heap
18 a. Number of Min Heaps | GATE 2018 | TIFR 2014
18 b. Number of Binary tees
18 c. [Optional] Average Time complexity in heap insertion
19 a. Heap Time Complexities
19 b. Heap Sort
19 c. Heap vs BST | Merging two heaps
19 d. Priority Queues
Heap Anottated Notes
Practice Set Heap
LIVE Heap: Practice Set Discussion
LIVE Heap: Practice Set Discussion (Part 2)
LIVE Heap: Practice Set Discussion (Part 3)
Annotated Notes LIVE Session Heap
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20a. Motivation to hashing and Direct address table
20b. Introduction to hashing
20c. Collision resolution techniques
20d. Avg case performance chaining
21a. Linear Probing
21 b. Quadratic probing and Double hashing
21c. Possible Number of probes
22a. [Optional but please watch ] UnSucessfull search time open addressing
22b. [Optional but please watch ] Successful search time open addressing
23 a. Probability Background (video from Probability course) Bernoulli and Binomial RVs
23b. Three popular expectation questions in hashing
Hashing Anottated Notes
Row major and Column major in Arrays
24a. Row major and Column major 2D Arrays
24b. ND Arrays
24c. Examples and GATE PYQs 1998, 94
Row and Column Major Array Anottated Notes
Some More LIVE Sessions
Stack and Queue PYQs Part 1
Stack and Queue PYQs Part 2
Annotated Notes Stack Queue PYQs
DS Test Series Test 4 Discussion
DS Test Series Test 1 Discussion Linked List
Students' Hand Written Notes
Handwritten Notes by Karan Agrawal (AIR 102 GATE CS 2024) - Data Structures
Notes by Quantum City (AIR 107, GATE CS 2024, Shreyas Rathod) - Data Structures Notes